999 Automation.com offers counterfeit guarantee

Counterfeiting is the deliberate use of a false trademark that is identical with or substantially indistinguishable from a registered trademark.  It is often a problem when buying online from a company with whom you are not familiar.   Most people are aware of counterfeit DVD’s, CD’s, computer games, clothing, fragrances and jewellery, but the fact […]

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999inverters.co.uk offers counterfeit guarantee

Counterfeiting is the deliberate use of a false trademark that is identical with or substantially indistinguishable from a registered trademark.  It is often a problem when buying online from a company with whom you are not familiar.   Most people are aware of counterfeit DVD’s, CD’s, computer games, clothing, fragrances and jewellery, but the fact […]

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Mitsubishi A741 regen drive brings F1 to inverters

  When a motor load needs to be stopped quickly, dynamic braking is often used.  In an inverter drive application, this involves applying a braking torque to the motor to bring it to a stop.  The energy released during this process is normally absorbed by a braking circuit and dissipated through braking resistors in the […]

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IMO underwrites energy savings for up to five years

Jaguar inverter manufacturer IMO is offering to underwrite to energy savings for customers of its Pentagon Programme. According to IMO, with energy saving payback periods typically between 12 and 18 months, the IMO Jaguar unique FIVE year warranty makes it the only inverter in the world that actually underwrites your energy cost savings. For more […]

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European contracts made simple with Gambica

UK inverter drive and Electrical Trade Association GAMBICA offers a wide range of high quality legal and technical publications including model forms, general conditions and guides at prices ranging from £5 to £35 each, and you don’t need to be a member.  The forms are produced by ORGALIME, the European Engineering Industries Association, and available in the […]

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